Isaiah 62:6-7

6 I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, 7 and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.

6 I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, 7 and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.


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Stand With Israel

By now, you have seen that Israel is at war because of the horrific atrocities committed by Hamas on Saturday, October 7. There is a concern for two more fronts opening from Lebanon with Hizbollah and Syria, all of which are Iranian proxies with the professed commitment to “wipe Israel off the map. Right now is a most desperate hour for Israel, so we are committed to prayer and giving directly to the most significant needs. Please see where our money is going below to help us meet these goals.

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Your Giving Provides

These are the immediate needs:



Click on the below prayer points to agree with us in prayer.

Pray for the Peace (Shalom) of Israel and Jerusalem (Psalm 122). That the innocent Jews and Arabs would be kept safe.

Pray that the people of Israel would be comforted, turn to the LORD and seek Him with all their hearts.

Pray protection for the hostages and for them to be immediately released unharmed to their families.

Pray for the believers in Israel, both Jew and Arab, to be strengthened and united to stand against the evil facing them.

Pray for the IDF (Israel’s Military), the reservists, and Israel’s allies in battle, who are being called up to be protected and have everything they need as they defend themselves and prepare to bring the fight against the terrorists. That the LORD would bring confusion to the terrorists.

Pray for those who have lost everything to be fully restored for both physical needs (homes, vehicles, clothes, food, etc.) and also to recover from the trauma altogether.

Pray that truth would prevail with the light of the LORD shining in every dark place and that terror would be completely exposed and removed from the Middle East.

Pray that both the physical and social media attacks against Israel would cease and for the Abrahamic Accords to continue in success for a lasting peace.

Pray for the Rabbis and Pastors to have the strength needed to handle the trauma of the people and the wisdom to help meet their needs.


“Pray for the Peace Of Jerusalem”

Wilbur Ministries is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt not-for-profit. All contributions designated for specific projects shall be applied to those projects. In the event of a specific project becoming fully funded for the year, Wilbur Ministries may allocate the overage towards other ministry purposes and similar outreaches.
